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Water Level on 2/19: 825.39 (+0.39)
Water Level Details
GOOD. Water stained; 59 degrees; 0.21 feet below pool. The lower end is running 62-65 degrees, the upper end is 57-61 degrees. Target grass, if you can find some, with dropshots, jerkbaits and Alabama rigs. Some fish can be caught skipping green pumpkin senkos under shallow docks. The Colorado River is producing bass along the rocks with Alabama rigs. Start looking for fish to stage shallow to spawn with the coming full moon and water temperatures in the 60s. Report by Charles Whited, Barefoot Fishing Tours. Crappie are good in 25-30 feet on brush and boulders with minnows. Report by Jess Rotherham, Texas Crappie Fishing Service. Bass are good near laydowns and brush piles with jigs, Texas rigged soft plastics, lipless crankbaits and square and some days a spinner baits. Bigger fish are 14-20 feet and as shallow as 5 feet. Report by Bryan Cotter, Texas Hawgs.
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